Business Loans, SBA Loans Article
Grow Your Business with Commercial and Industrial (C&I) Loans

Some small businesses may need to borrow under more reasonable terms and conditions in order to preserve working capital and improve their cash flow. Whether you’re starting, expanding or buying a business, our SBA lending experts are here to help you achieve your goals.
SBA loan can provide the capital you need to establish a firm footing for your small business and give it the fuel to grow, with financing terms not available through conventional lending products. Stellar Bank provides SBA 7a and 504 financing through a partnership with the U.S. Small Business Administration.
SBA Loan Advantages
SBA loan programs are structured to help startups and existing small businesses gain the financial access they need to put their plans into action, scale up operations, pursue bigger opportunities and grow. SBA loans can be used to:
Stellar has a dedicated SBA team with many years of SBA program experience ready to help you. The Stellar SBA staff know the intricacies of SBA financing – including eligibility, underwriting, closing, funding and servicing. They will meet with you, get to know your business and structure an SBA lending solution to meet your business goals.
An SBA loan is a loan with a government enhancement to allow business owners to borrower on better terms than they can conventionally. A Stellar Bank SBA Loan Officer will review the benefits of the SBA loan programs with you.
The U.S. Small Business Administration has made it easy for many small businesses to qualify for an SBA loan. The timing of the SBA process is slightly longer to accommodate the SBA’s involvement, but the benefits of the SBA loan programs – lower equity injection and longer repayment terms – have proven to be worth it to many small business owners. A Stellar Bank SBA Loan Officer will guide you through the SBA loan process.
SBA loan funds can be used for most any typical business expense. The business must be “for-profit”. A Stellar Bank SBA Loan Officer can help you determine if your loan request is SBA-eligible.
Business Loans, SBA Loans Article
Business Loans, Business Checking, Business Savings, SBA Loans Article
Business Loans, Business Banking, SBA Loans Article